Pacco batterie - Moduli - Celle NiMH

Sensore temperatura batterie

Sistemi di recupero energia

Formula E

V12 engine


Carico termico pistone

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Ralph DTE Motorsport is the project of Raffaele Berardi, an Italian student of mechanical engineering. It consists of a private laboratory-scuderia that has the purpose of research and deepening studies at university. It is a reality that is not for profit and is currently not open to the public and does not offer any services accordingly. The result of tests and research conducted by the author has as its sole purpose the exasperation of knowledge about the Automotive and Motorsport. This fact allows the author to improve (with a high degree of deepening) his studies in mechanical engineering and his experience for years in the racing world. It also allows him to exchange know-how with companies of all sizes, technicians, universities, researchers, professors, students and enthusiasts in Europe and in the rest of the world. The project consists of two divisions: the first is oriented to the four-wheeled vehicles and the second concerned mainly with two-wheeled vehicles.

Internally, the project is interested in more branches of automotive and motorsport research from the engine (design, study, assembly, adjustment, preparation), to embrace the setup, telemetry, vehicle dynamics and tests on the track, passing for materials engineering and prototyping of racing vehicles. Last but not least, the completion of this deep passion with the study of the techniques of restoration of vehicles of all kinds and the study of the techniques of grinding machines with a high degree of accuracy. Lately it has been added the fundamental aspect of computer-aided simulation which has been given a special section in growing stage.

The project Ralph DTE Motorsport is initially born with the name Scuderie RBC (Scuderie Raffaele Berardi Corse) when during the last two years at the Industrial Technical Institute (specialization Mechanics), Raffaele Berardi thinks, “almost” for the game, to create a laboratory in which to study in more detail what he learns during his experience as a technician in the national and European motoring championships. Over the years, the project will bring important results unexpectedly and many opportunities for professional growth. Today, the possibility of building several prototypes is more than ever a step away from the goal even though the global economic crisis has played a decisive role. However, it offered to the author decisive points for technical and strategic growth unimaginable only a few years earlier.

The project Scuderie RBC was then absorbed into a broader vision, under construction, which is called Ralph DTE. It intends to incorporate in every single product to be made, important fundamentals of Design, Technologies and Engineering.

LAB Ralph DTE Automotive & Motorsport